Winter Lawn Care Tips for a Healthy Yard Come Spring

It’s the most nerve wracking time of the year. What will my lawn look like after this winter? Oftentimes, we neglect or don’t know to do those little things around the yard before the brutally cold winter months swoop in and we only leave the house when absolutely necessary. Whether you need a refresher or a yardwork 101 course, here …

summer lawn care in residential backyard

Summer Lawn Care Tips

As Michiganders, we wait all year for summer to roll around. Although, it’s a great time of year for us, that’s not always the case for our lawns. The heat paired with low rainfall contributes great stress to our lawns. But don’t worry, there are measures that can be taken to keep your lawn in top shape. Here are a …

summer lawn with green grass and garden surrounding the yard

Why You Need Professional Lawn Care Services

Lawn care is an important aspect of homeownership and most think of lawn care as only watering and mowing. However, there is way more to it than that. Most don’t realize that lawn care requires knowledge and training. Lawn care, when done properly, takes time and effort. And, if your goal is to have a healthy, beautiful lawn, hiring professional …

Large house with winding driveway and large trees

The Best Trees to Add to Your Landscape

With summer just around the corner, you may be looking to update your yard landscape? Adding trees can provide beauty, shade, fruits, flowers, and privacy. Not to mention, trees are always a good investment. Depending on what you are looking to accomplish and the level of maintenance you’re willing to put in, here are a few helpful tips and trees …

parking lot bricks with weed growing out of crack

Protecting Your Investment

During the brutal Michigan winters, your commercial parking lot and sidewalks are what suffers the most. The shoveling, plowing, and the wet coldness that these surfaces endure for months on end all shorten the lifespan of parking lots and sidewalks. But a proactive approach with regular maintenance can help save and extend the life of these surfaces. By taking these …

bright green grass

Green: The Most Important Color to Your Landscape

With the number of colorful flowers, shrubs and trees available today, it’s easy to overlook the simple beauty of the color green. Having elements of different landscaping colors and contrasting tones in your garden looks good and adds that extra flare most are looking for. However, green is just as important when it comes to garden design. Green is a …

push mower in residential yard during spring lawn care

Spring Lawn Care

It’s that beautiful time of the year when the sun is out, the grass is getting greener, and the flowers are making their annual debut. Spring is the ideal time to start fertilizing your lawn to ensure you have nice thick green grass come summer. A spring lawn care schedule will vary depending on where you live. Early spring is …

Is Your Parking Lot Customer Friendly?

Collectively, Americans own 250 million cars, and the United States has up to two billion parking spaces to house them. That’s eight spaces per car — more square footage, by some estimates, than exists for housing our population of 327 million people, and five percent or more of urban area in the Upper Great Lakes region. All that asphalt won’t …

Things to Ask Before Choosing a Landscape Contractor

How did you hear about them or where have you seen them? Ads may not tell the whole picture. Have you admired a newly finished landscape or one in progress? Whose trucks do you see all over town and take note of the Contractor doing that work? Ask people you trust to find whom they have used or would recommend. If …