How To Start and Maintain a Home Garden

Everyone has a green thumb, you just have to find it, and spring is the perfect time to discover – or re-discover yours. Not only does a home garden add flare to any lawn, depending on what you grow, but it can also provide healthy and tasty fruits and vegetables. Whether you’re starting from scratch or need a few freshers on how to get started, here are a few steps to getting your home garden going.

Before Planting

Scout a Location

Choosing a location that supports proper plant growth will ensure the longevity and durability of your garden. Most flowers and vegetables need direct sunlight, so try to avoid areas that receive shade at any time of day. If possible, putting your garden behind a large structure will help shelter it from the wind.

Prepare Your Plot

Once you’ve chosen your land, it’s time to get it ready for planting. Pull all weeds and existing vegetation down to the root. Doing so can help to avoid regrowth. If you are removing grass, it’s best to hire a trained specialist who can safely use a sod cutter. Although optional, we highly recommend sending your soil to be tested. Doing this can give you insight into the levels of certain matters, such as clay, sand, silt, and toxic substances.

Plant The Seeds

If you are planting seeds directly into the ground, carefully read the package to assure you sow the seed at the proper depth. It’s easiest for beginners to plant in designated rows to assure equal seed spacing and fewer weeds. Rows are usually spaced about a foot apart. However, your package can give you a more specific measurement. A helpful tip, plan to sow a few extra seeds, as many will not germinate.



Most plants require about an inch of water per week during the growing season. This likely won’t come from rain alone, so it is important to ensure you are taking the initiative to water your plants as needed. One easy way to tell if your plants need more water is by sticking a finger two inches deep into the soil. If your plants feel dry at the bottom, the plants need water. Don’t have time to water daily? A lawn care specialist can install an irrigation system that will keep your plants watered on a timed schedule automatically.


As you may have already picked out, maintaining a beautiful and healthy garden takes a lot of weeding. Especially in the spring, weeds can easily overgrow your garden if you are not diligent about pulling them.


Covering the soil with a thin layer of rocks, woodchips, or other organic material, reduces the opportunity for stray weeds to spout through. As mulch decays, it can provide nutrients for plants and insects, just like compost.

Don’t have enough time for weeding or mulching? No problem. HTA Companies is happy to help. Give us a call to start cultivating a flourishing garden today.